Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's a boy thing

So I have discovered that my son is Bam-Bam. I mean right out of Flintstone land, Bam-Bam. He loves to bang, break, yell, and crash. I guess it's a boy thing because my girls never went through this. But just like his cartoon chracter counterpart, he knows when he has to be gentle. When he is near his little sister, he is the sweetest, gentlest little man ever. He uses two fingers to rub her head and moves very slowly to kiss her. The girls aren't even that gentle. I guess it's a boy thing.

1 comment:

  1. Totally a boy thing. My sister-in-laws (who each have 3 girls) will never understand why my boys are so crazy. It's because they are BOYS.
